
Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Mini Doll Fair at the Mull Home

You get to meet the most wonderful people via the internet! I was so pleased to meet two of my Tasha Tudor blogger friends....Heather and Patricia....on the Tasha Tudor Garden Tour. Since then, these two talented young women have started "THE STILLWATER SOCIETY". If you go to my sidebar and hit this button, it will take you to the blog. Of course, there is a connection to Tasha Tudor and you will need to join, but it is a great place to share OLD TIMEY/OLD FASHIONED posts and thoughts. They also have a Facebook Page under the same name and that is a very active and fun site now. Pop on over!

This coming Thursday, Tasha would have been 100 years old, so there will be lots of celebrating on all our groups! Heather has started up her Tasha Tuesdays again on her lovely blog. Another great place to visit...use the button on my sidebar. Heather is a wonderful artist, so check our her blog.

My friends and their daughters didn't get to participate in the big doll fair at the Gathering, so my Tasha friend Melinda, invited them to her home in Manchester, VT for a mini doll fair. Jim and I were going to be in that area to do some sight seeing, so Melinda invited us to join the fun.
Patricia is on the left with her daughter Alice and Heather is on the right with her daughter Audrey. Such cute mamas and darling daughters.

These two girls became the best of friends on the trip and were just having such a grand time together. It was just fun to watch them. Don't you just want to hug them?

They had fun at the fair. They are into the American Girl Dolls, so Melinda had prepared special goodies, just for them!

LaVonne sent little cards and aprons all the way from Montana to be opened at the fair.  So kind.

The grown ups enjoyed it too! Melinda and Pete are wonderful hosts. After the fair, we had a nice BBQ on the porch. Sadly, I didn't get any photos.

This is Robbie...Audrey's little brother...isn't he just too cute!

Here's my big boy....isn't he cute! Ha ha ha.....

I wanted Melinda to show the girls her fabulous doll house, so she took us inside for a tour.

This is a photo from last year when I was at her home. She had it in a different room but I wanted to show the whole house.

Enjoy a little look inside. It is wonderful!

The girls and I were playing house with another dollhouse! They are everywhere and it is just magical.

This is also a photo from last year, but it shows you how sweet and dear Melinda is. I just love her.

Who is the sweet little girl in the framed photograph? One guess...Melinda!

This is Melinda's little Annabelle...just enjoying it all.

Thanks so much Melinda and Pete for opening up your wonderful home to all of us Tasha travelers. 


  1. I enjoyed looking at your photo's , several years ago my hubby built me a doll house. I have since given it to my granddaughter. Your post brought back good memories.
    Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  2. Wonderful times with wonderful people and their families. Enjoyed all the photos Linda.Two darling little girls and that huggable kissable little boy.Life can be oh so good. Love Denise

  3. How sweet! THis post brings back such fun memories of that day! So special--- the little girls and big girls had so much fun!~ ;)

  4. Miniatures can become addictive, for me fairy gardens and for you doll houses Linda. Well at least you don't have squirrels trashing yours. :-)
    Your friend's dollhouse is wonderful - love the dining room!

  5. I just loved the house, stunning. What an amazing day, the children were a real delight and the big boy was quite cute too, ha! ha!
