
Friday, August 28, 2015

Happy 100th Birthday Tasha Tudor!

Happy Birthday Tasha Tudor! You would have been 100 year old today! I usually have a tea to celebrate the day, however, life had different plans for me today. I was so looking forward to  this day! I was planning a Pink Lusterware "pink" tea.

I woke up at 4 AM before the sun was up and before my sweet grand baby Otto was awake. I enjoy the early mornings, but I really wasn't wanting to wake up quite that early. I love that quiet time before the business of the day begins. About 6:30, I heard Otto making his little squawks and he was waiting for Gama to get him "up"! We played and I took him over to his other grandma's house for the day. The house is so quiet tonight.

I had to drive out to the Sunnyside Kaiser Hospital to pick up my daughter Angie at ER. She is still in pain and nothing has improved since Wednesday when we were there. The ER doctor was very good and she was able to line Angie up for an epidural to try before surgery. My poor Angie still can't walk and I had wheel her around in a wheelchair. Then we dashed out to the clinic to see her primary care doctor to sign papers for work, line up PT and write renewals for her meds.
I got her home around 3 PM and then went on home to my house.

So, it was way too late to have tea...

But, I had to find a way to say Happy Birthday to Tasha! So some of the dollies wanted to get together and wish Tasha Best Wishes on this special birthday.

Miss Annabelle could never let the day slip away without joining the other dolls with good wishes.

I am disappointed that I didn't get to celebrate in style, however, I did think about all the wonderful things in my life that have come from my exposure to Tasha Tudor. I would never have met so many lovely Tasha fans, never made the trips to New England, never gotten into dolls and miniatures, never found Pink Lusterware and never ended up with a library of Tasha's books! I have met so many talented artist, doll makers, historians, quilters, farmers, gardeners, dog breeders, collectors, chefs, fiber artists, authors and writers~all because of Tasha. She led an interesting life and yes, she was human and I don't agree with everything she said and did, however, she sure has been an inspiration. Belonging to Tasha groups has added to all the holidays and given me so much to look forward to all the time. She has become a part of my life and that has made me very happy.

My very dear friend LaVonne is coming to visit in October and I'm going to have that tea then to celebrate Tasha's big day! Another fun Tasha thing to look forward to!



  1. I hope your Angie feels well really soon.. not a nice thing to have pain.. I hadn't even realize it was Tasha Tutor's birthday.. I really don't know much about her.. No one in my world ever spoke of her.. I just started seeing different things her in blog land and facebook.. well least you got to celebrate a bit.. Happy Weekend with love Janice

  2. Hope all is well with your daughter, such a worry for you. Tasha is such an inspiration with her entourage throughout blogland, 100th birthday something wonderful to celebrate.

  3. I pray your dear daughter feels better soon. That must way heavy on your heart.
    I'm not real familiar with Tasha Tutor, but sure have learned a bit around our blogging community.
    You will enjoy your tea with your friend, I'm sure. A late tea party can be just as wonderful.

    Much love~ Debbie
