
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Thoughts

"He tends his flock like a shepherd: he gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."
Isaiah 40:11

I have always loved stained glass and this one is so beautiful with soft sweet tones. Don't you just love this verse? How tender and loving. My friend LaVonne sheared her sheep this morning in Montana. I had to think of her when I came across this delightful bible verse.

I will be thinking of the Lord's love and kindness to me this week. I am thankful that he holds me close to his heart.


  1. A truly beautiful verse, tribute to a great friend and stunning stained glass.

  2. Love the verse and the stain glass photo! Thanks for sharing with us today!

  3. Very cool! I have an old litho print that hung above my parent's couch when they were married and I was just little. It needs framing and I just ran across it. It's of the Good Shepherd!
    Thanks for sharing!
