
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Behind The Scenes!

I can't believe it's time for another EXPO antique and collectible show! It just seems like we finished our last one. Jimmy and I have been working hard to get things ready. There's a lot that has to happen before we get to the show. Some of the overflow from Jim's work cottage ends up in mine. Rubbermaid tubs everywhere!

Jimmy's cottage is the work cottage. He cleans, prices, repairs and then we stage everything on the shelves so that the set up at the show goes quickly. Early bird buyers are allowed in on the day we are setting up the booth, so we need to know what we're doing and we need to get the items out quickly.
It's hard but it is an extra selling day and serious buyers come on that Friday.

A sneak peak at the spring section. THis is my section and it's always so fun to choose the merchandise  
and set it up.

Another look at some of the other sections. I didn't get any pictures of his man's section, which is what draws his return customers into the booth. They can spot our booth by the fly rods!

This is our more primitive sections with a lot of kitchen and wooden items. We call it our Tasha Tudor section.

After we display it all, Jim packs it up with table and shelf numbers so I can just unload it at the show. Items have to be packed carefully for transport.I have a teacup section it is!

It is spring in Oregon! Everything is coming to life. It's been hard to work inside the cottages with the nice weather. I'd rather be outside working in my garden. Maybe next week after the show. My Rosemary looks good!

The roses are leafing out! I imagine we will have roses early this spring too. I do love roses.

The grass is growing! Duane has cut it twice already. It's just hard to believe.

My two plum trees are in full bloom. I love this picture, I just caught the light right and the blue sky just sets it off.

My chives are growing too. I expect little purple flowers soon.

Sunday afternoon, we just decided to take a break and we went to a flea market out of Salem. We were about half way to the Oregon coast, so we decided to drive on down. It was just such a pretty day.
The daffodils were blooming there too!

This was a little display on an old stove at an antique shop we stopped at along the way.

Of course, Jimmy wanted to have dinner at his favorite restaurant. It's not fancy but they shuck oysters there and Jimmy says they are the best! Not my thing but he does love them. Oysters on the half shell.

He also loves their oyster stew. You can pick how many oysters you want in your bowl. He picked a lot!

The Seafood Peddler is a yummy place if you like seafood. I always get the bay shrimp and crab salad. YUMMY! Anyway, it really was a nice drive and a nice break before another busy week,


  1. Oh my gosh! I want to smell that grass, stick my nose in those flowers, and even gulp that wine!
    It's SNOWING here.

    Linda, your participation, with Jimmy's, in the show sounds like something I'd LOVE to do! Good luck and have fun! Susan

  2. Dearest Linda,I miss You too.Linda that is alot of work,I get the urge all the time to sale My collected things and set up a table somewhere. I think as in many other dreams I waited too long.The spirit may be willing but both Paul and My own bodies are unable.It was fun browsing through Your goods,What ever that bag was for in the tea cup photo,I think just might be pretty.Your flower photos were truly beautiful-OX Denise
