
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Jimmy's Big Birthday Celebrations

Yesterday was my Jimmy's 70th birthday! Even as I write this, it is hard to believe the man I met when he was just 25, is celebrating such a milestone birthday. He didn't want a big party or anything super special. Jim is a funny guy and everyone loves him but he really is a very private person.  When the girls asked him what he wanted, he said he wanted to have a date with each one of them when they had time. He wants to go out to lunch and go to an estate sale with them. How sweet is that? Jim has always been such a good dad and he does love his included.

Angie and Chris invited us over last Saturday and took us out to dinner with the grandchildren for Chinese. It was yummy and the kids were fun.

I think I'll frame the fortune from my Chinese cookie! I wouldn't trade this one with anyone.

We went over to the Wirth house for presents and cake. Ava delighted in giving Jimmy 70 spankings!

We were going to go to the beach on Tuesday for Jimmy's brithday, but the weather had been so wet and rainy and the roads weren't in the best condition, so Jim wanted to stay in town. So we had a change of plans. Jim wanted to have lunch at the German Market. It's so fun to go there. We always go at Christmas time but missed our visit in December. It smells heavenly when you walk through the door.

We also made a trip over to Bearverton. Jim has always wanted to go to the Dutch market, so we did!.Anything for the birthday boy.

Then we made a stop at two of the Stars Antique shops in Sellwood. It was fun to look at the items and the displays. I was hoping he would find a treasure, but he didn't. I gave him money for shopping.

Today, grandpa got to have another fun day with Otto. Otto's daddy had dental surgery on Monday, so we brought Otto over to our house. Grandpa loves to take Otto for a walk at least once a day. Here they are....ready to take off.

Yep...Otto is the best birthday present ever! He's such a good little guy and so much fun. We just love him so much.

I  hope you had a wonderful birthday my Jimmy. I hope you enjoy your 70th Bucket List that you are working on. Here's to a wonderful year filled with LOVE and MEMORIES!


  1. How wonderful to be sharing such a wonderful birthday with family, sounds like so much fun. Happy birthday Jimmy.

  2. Happy Birthday Jimmy. I also turned 70 in January......where did all those years go?
