
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year~2015

Happy New Year to all my blogger friends and family. I am going to be pretty limited posting until I get a new computer. I am long overdue for the upgrade on my laptop, so I guess that will be my first adventure of 2015.
I am not going to make resolutions this year or overplan my hopes and dreams. I am just going to jump in and see where God takes me.
It was a little different welcoming in the New Year last night. We had our little Otto here and he screamed his way through the first 15 minutes of the New Year. Poor baby...we think he is cutting teeth. Grandma and Grandpa need a nap.


  1. Poor Otto. :-( I chuckled when you said that you and your hubby needed a nap.
    My husband and I will be having our oldest daughters three boys in the next few days and I know just what you are saying. I asked my husband if he's ready? :-)

    Many blessings to you and your loved ones in this New Year ahead of us.

    Joy to you!

  2. ha ha ha haha Oh Linda. I can SO identify with baby Otto screaming. I had a little two year old overnight last night, too.

    I SLEPT through the new year coming. Then, I was so whacked out tired today that after she left this morning, Gammie layed down on the couch.

    It was 11 a.m. and I closed my eyes. They opened two hours later. Great nap! ha ha ha

    Blessings to all of you on New Year's and all throughout the coming new year. Susan

  3. Happy New Year! This grandma knows all about needing naps.

  4. Happy New Year Linda. Our 8-10 year old grandchildren are well aware of what a cat-nap is and that Grandma frequently needs one.
    Cutting teeth is a hard time for everyone - soon it will be on to the next phase of toddler life.

  5. Poor little thing. Hope you have both managed to catch up with your sleep. Happy new year to you, wishing you everything you wish for yourself.

  6. Wishing you a great new year and I do enjoy your blog!

  7. I love your plan on not making resolutions! Your blog continues to look lovely and be very engaging! :-)

  8. Happy New Year, my sweet friend! I hope this year brings you great joy, God's peace, and sweet blessings :)

    I thank the Lord for you, dear Linda.

    I am so sorry about Otto :( Poor little guy! Hugs to you!
