
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tea Time Thursday #51

This has been a year of unexpected events that have made it difficult at times, to keep up with my blogging. I love to blog and really enjoy my blogger friends so it is sad when life gets in the way. Yet, that is just "life"and we never know what each new day will bring our way. My husband's family planned and gave my mother in law Anne, a lovely memorial and service to celebrate her life. It has taken time to rest and sort out emotions. I am hoping to get back into my blogging once again. Tea Time Thursday seems to be a nice way to jump back in, so here I go!

I won't be able to decorate with my traditional fall things that I love this year, at least not for October. I may be able to put out my turkey things next month. Jim and I took the weekend off and got a lot of sleep. We went to some estate sales and I was just thrilled to find this beautiful teacup! The colors of gold, pink and burgundy just blend so perfectly in my tea room.

These new dark chocolate tuffles by Ghiradelli look like they were made for this teacup. Yummy!

I love the flow and movement of the leaves around the saucer.

The cup and saucer is a bone china cup, made in Enlgand and is made by Foley.

I discovered this little golden walnut about a month ago at an estate sale. Can you guess what's inside?

It's a tiny sewing kit! It holds a thimble, a needle, some pins, thread and safety pins. It can be worn on a chain around your neck too.

I had to pick up the new fall tea by Harney and Sons. I love the color of the tin this fall and the African Autumn herbal blend is very nice.

TIme for a cuppa with a nice pumpkin spice cupcake. I'm so glad that fall has finally arrived in Oregon and I can enjoy a cup of hot tea again. Happy Tea Time Thursday.


  1. I really love Foley cups and saucers! Yours is really beautiful and I am so glad you got some rest.

  2. Impressive cup and saucer very pretty but I LOVED the walnut such a beauty. Hope you are fully rested soon.

  3. Linda, your Foley teacup is beautiful! What lovely colours especially for Autumn. Who would have thought that walnut would carry a wee stewing kit inside? Ingenious! Thank you for your visit and your nice comment concerning my little table. Get rested up and have a lovely weekend.


  4. Hi Linda....Good to hear from you. I know exactly what you mean about life getting in the way of blogging. Oh, Lordy, it has been a busy fall!

    Take care and hope your weekend goes great. Susan

  5. Welcome back - and I am sorry to learn of your loss. May she rest in peace, and may you and yours find solace in one another.

    LOVE your new Foley - and you are so right about those chocolates! You should keep the chocolates in the cup on a table when not sipping from it. Too perfect.

    My godparents were Foley - love that name, special to us. Wish they were THAT Foley though, haha.

    Take care and peace be with you!

  6. Linda-I'm glad You are both (I hope Jimmy too)are getting back in the routine of life after such a sad time.You must know how much I love Your new find. Our fave color and gorgeous Fall combo.Candy and all,so pretty. Love all Your posts-a joy for Me to visit You.Should have tried to seek You out on My way to Victoria a few Years ago-Blessings and hugs-Denise
