
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to School

As I was once a "mean old school teacher" (one of Jimmy's favorite names for me), I still think about my teaching days as each September rolls around and a new school year begins. I no longer have children who go out the door with new outfits and new school supplies, but I do have grandchildren, so the cycle continues. Ava is starting second grade at a brand new school this morning. She's a bit nervous, but she will be fine.

I was the first of my siblings to teach.I taught first and second grade and did some subbing before and after full time teaching work. I didn't teach too many years as we started our family and began buying retails drug stores and gift shoppes. My brother was a principal, my two sisters are still teaching, my niece Amanda is beginning her 5th year of teaching, my daughter Gina teaches on the college level in Seattle and my daughter Angie just got a new job in the office at Centennial Middle School. What can i must be in our blood!

This is my whistle from my teaching days. I just had to keep it. It brings back so many memories when I look at it. Ahhhh, recess duty!

Being a collector, I seem to pick up vintage school items here and there and thought it would be fun to put a little grouping together.

I just got this little folk art wooden Mary Had A Little Lamb cut out at the doll show. I couldn't resist.

How things have changed! I'm sure second graders don't do this kind of work anymore. Second grade was my favorite grade to teach.

Isn't this funny? I love the graphics. It's really an odd story but a fun collectable with great graphics.

So as summer closes, this ex teacher has dusted off her project notebook and is ready to start working on her many projects! Company is coming, babysitting begins, a new schedule with dad has started,  quilting shows and retreats are on the horizon and oh, don't forget all the holidays. A full life is my classroom now.


  1. Oh Linda, how neat that you were a school teacher :) And a mean one...not even! You were probably the sweetest teacher ever.

    Lovely pictures, my friend. Love and hugs to you!

  2. Linda I too was a teacher I taught pre-schoolers age 4 and 5 I was a Nursery Manager for many years. September always brings back lots of memories your post was a delight.

  3. A lot of my friends were teachers. My first husband was a teacher and then became principal.

    Love you photos. Great post.

  4. This was a delight to read on the first day of the school year. My little village is very quiet today, with all the little ones gone off in the big, yellow bus. It looks like an early fall here in Ontario and I'm itching to bring out the pumpkins!

  5. Hi Linda.

    I didn't know you were a teacher.

    That male teacher with the "warning rod" would scare me. I think he'd be the kind of teacher to hit innocent little children who only want to learn. no no no (So glad there is no longer corporal punishment allowed in schools.)

    Are you going to babysit full time?

    Take care and have fun! Susan

  6. I love your little painted Mary and her Lamb. Sounds like you come from good stock, girlfriend! Hope you have a wonderful time taking care of baby Otto. I love his name.

  7. Hello from Spain: in my country school starts in mid-September. Nice vintage books. My parents are teachers. Keep in touch
