
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tea Time Thursday # 36~A Package From Denmark

My sweet blogger friend Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose was kind enough to set up another tea cup exchange. This is the 3rd one that I have joined and I always have so much fun with them. She is having us link up on her blog on Thursday, so pop over and take a look! I'm sharing my gift as my Tea Time Thursday post this week.

My package came from very far away...Denmark! I love getting packages but it's even more exciting to get an international package. My tea cup exchange partner was Nina at Thoughts and Images Along the Way. She has a beautiful and thoughtful blog that I enjoy reading. Nina has a very sweet spirit that you will pick up on right away. Her pictures are lovely too.

I opened the box to find a wonderful handwritten letter! How many of us take the time to write a personal note when we do an exchange? She took the time to tell me where she purchased the cup and all about the tea she sent. A very fun box. How did she know I love brown? My friend LaVonne calls our house brownsville!

The cup and the little pitcher are from Zimbabwe and were made by the potter  Ros Bryne. She bought it at a Free Trade Shop called the African Touch. I love the fun pattern on the items and how fun to have a picture of the maker! Her letter included pictures from the shop and a long explanation telling all about the store.

Nina sent the most wonderful packet of tea from a neat tea shop that is so charming. It smells heavenly
before and after brewing. This is the young lady who packaged my tea up. Isn't she just so cute?

The tea and flyer from the tea shoppe. The tea is one of Nina's favorites with papaya, orange, strawberry, mango and pineapple. YUMMY!

Oh how I would love to visit this tea shop! It just has that Old World Charm that fascinates me.

The glaze makes the pottery items so smooth!  Isn't the little milk pitcher cute?

The tea is a very pretty blend. It needs to steep for 7 minutes! I think it's an herbal tea but couldn't find a name.

Of course you probably knew that Jimmy and I would be having this tea for our tea time break this afternoon. The tea smells and tastes so good!

Nina, thank you so very much for sending such a special tea package for the exchange. I know it cost more to mail to the US too, so thank you! I know I will have to have some more tomorrow afternoon!
You blessed my day and I will be following you on your blog.

Thank you again Stephanie for having another exchange. I had the pleasure of being paired up with Stephanie's mom Debbie. What a sweetheart she is too! The tea and cups are always great,but the new friends via the exchanges are the real gem. What a fun way to make a new blogger friend!


  1. Hello my friend :) Words cannot describe the charm of your package from Nina. She certainly went the extra mile and I am quite amazed with everything. The tea cup is wonderful and very special and yes, I do love that milk pitcher :)

    It's always a joy having you be apart of the exchange - thank you, Linda. My love!

  2. What a wonderful package, the tea sounds delightful. I love the idea of a fair trade gift, the only thing we have locally selling fair trade goods is an OXFAM shop where the money raised goes to help families in need.

  3. What a lovely gift from Nina - and what a fun idea for the tea cup exchange! I follow Nina's lovely blog and she is indeed sweet and kind. Enjoy your gift, it's very sweet. xo Karen

  4. So happy you shared your new treasures with us. That was a very nice post. Congratulations, Linda! Susan

  5. hi there - i came on over thanks to the Tea Cup Exchange Link Up. it was such fun. i love your teacup - so fun!! ( :
    take care.

  6. Hello Lady Linda,
    Nina was gracious to you, just beautiful and enchanting as you tell the story behind it all.
    I have so enjoyed my pretty pink tea cup and delightful gifts you lavished me with. Again, thank you!

    Joy! Debbie

  7. What lovely gifts you've received and I agree that the friendships made are the best thing!

  8. It's especially exciting to receive a package from overseas and yours was truly filled with some goodness! I really like the unique design on the cup and pitcher.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Very lovely package. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  10. Both ladies couldn't have had a better exchange partner than You too :)Wonderful gift Linda-hugs Denise

  11. Hello from Spain: great gift. Tea is always very tasty. I remember moments of happiness. The cup and the pitcher are very nice. She is very friendly. Keep in touch

  12. Hi Linda,
    What a wonderful package all the way from Denmark! A very thoughtful gift and I too like that sweet little jug!
    We just had the worst blizzard in ten years with about two feet of snow and hurricane force winds. It was awful but we are so thankful that we didn't lose our power. The Island has been shut down for two days and this is the third day in a row that school has been closed. I'm sure the children are all happy about that!
    Thank you for joining me for Tea Time and have a lovely weekend, my friend. I hope by my next visit, I'll be able to tell you that we're enjoying springlike weather.


  13. Oh, wow! I was smiling the whole time I read your post. Nina created such a special package for you. And I have to agree that international packages are extra special treats in the day. Mine came from Canada. :-)

  14. Hello Lady Linda,
    Nina really did send you a box of fun and love. You can tell she put a a great deal of thought and care into her gift. I am sure you are enjoying this fine cup and tea!

  15. Beautiful package and everything that came with it!....Christine

  16. Dearest Linda,
    It makes me so happy to read that the package was a nice surprise, and that you like the pitcher and the cup! I'm also enchanted by the aroma of the tea, the taste is mild, and it "tickles the tastebuds" in a wonderful way (I can even skip the cookies with this tea :)
    It would be such a pleasure to take you to the little tea house, that is above the tea shop ... it is old fashioned and very charming! I would love to sit down and hear more about you, your family, and your experiences along the road ... Sharing about how the Lord has been leading and guiding - is encouraging and such a blessing.
    All the best to you and your family,

  17. Oh your tea cup and pitcher are so perfect! I buy tea from a co. that uses the fair trade so the growers get a fair price. I love it! I think you scored in a big way all the way from Denmark! I love your swap partner. I love handwriting letters and cards to this day. I am so old fashioned! Hugs Anne
