
Monday, March 17, 2014

Saint Pat's Highlights!

Well, the leprechauns took over my kitchen the other day and "forced" me into making some St Pat's treats! Jim and I have been eating healthier and haven't had any treats for a few weeks. I think my SIL Chris had something to do with this as he wanted my Blarney Stones and green shortbread stamp cookies for the dinner he invited us to!

This little guy was more interested in taking a nap! I found him sleeping on the frosting!

Next he ended up on the cookie dough that had to chill in the fridge! Even the cold didn't wake this guy up from his nap time!

I was working on the Blarney Stones and this one jumped right into the coconut! Note that twinkle in his eye!

He thinks he's a supervisor!  Do you think he approves of the finished product?

And here's Mr Lazy Leprechaun again. He crawled into the plate when I was getting it ready to take to Angie and Chris' home on Sunday!

Treats and little goodies for all. Holidays are always fun with our family! Jimmy and I were off for dinner at the Wirth house.

Picture time! Mama Angie with Otto and Ava. Grandma K made Ava's shirt and Otto's little vest. Too cute. Great job Grandma K!

The Happy Family!

The grandparent and the grandkids! A nice break from the rain outside.

Time for dinner! I think Ava was hungry! We had corned beef, potato pancakes, sauteed grated cabbage,  and soda bread. Everything was soooo good. Chris is such a great cook. Jimmy loves potato pancakes, so he was in heaven!

Otto is ALWAYS ready to eat! He was willing to leave that little hat on for a long time!

Ok Daddy, what can I try next? I love food!

Yep, he needed to be cleaned up after a tiny bit of chocolate!. He got two more teeth, so he can really eat now! I think Otto was kissed by the leprechauns!

Tea time for Jimmy and me on Monday to celebrate St Pat's Day.  Last chance for some goodies.

Irish Breakfast tea was the tea of choice this afternoon. Always delightful.

A little look at the cards I received in my ATAA (Afternoon Tea Across America) St Pat's card exchange. These exchanges are so fun. Easter will be the next one!

I hope the leprechauns didn't play too many tricks on you today!


  1. Oh my those little Leprechaun's were certainly busy, however, I do know that they also helped you bake. Lovely family. Thank you for visiting. Irish blessings...Lu

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed your photos. Such adorable grandchildren. Your treats look delicious and that is such a lovely tea set.

  3. Your grandkids are so cute! I also love those sneaky little leprechauns that helped you make those delicious sweets!



  4. So many happy times for both of You.You are a good cook My Dear.I'm kind of sorry now that I gave up cooking when the last girl moved away from home for good.When I read other bloggers are still cooking after raising their kids,I always wonder maybe I shouldn't have given it up.Your Bellick collection is fabulous.Now I want to know more about the ATAM group-I'm goggling it. Love Denise

  5. EEKS Beleek :/ Is that group a Yahoo group now ?

  6. Hello from Spain: Ava, Grandma K, did a great job sewing. Nice family photos. I like your kitchen figures. Beautiful pictures. Keep in touch

  7. What fun family photos, Linda. The food sounds delish and the tea time treats look wonderful. I hope your little leprechaun didn't eat too much!

  8. Dearest Linda,
    This is a delightful post!
    Those naughty little leprechaun's causing such mischief in your home!
    Your family is beautiful and I am amazed at how much Otto has grown-just too quick, don't you agree?
    Glad you and the family are doing so well!

  9. Oh, your treats looked so yummy, Linda. So very yummy.

    And that baby Otto was definitely kissed by the leprechauns. He's a little angel!

    So nice to see your family enjoying time together, too.

    You are a lucky lady. Susan

  10. What wonderful treats! Especially the teapot stamp cookie! And such sweet little ones! You are so blessed!

  11. Hi Linda,
    Your St. Paddy's Day tea table is very pretty with all the shamrocks. Your tea treats look very tempting too; especially the coconut! I got a kick out of all your little leprechauns. Thank you for sharing and coming to tea. Happy Spring, my friend!

