
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Babysitting....Mama Needs Some Sleep

Last Friday we took the Wirth family to out to dinner to celebrate my SIL Chris' birthday. We had promised Miss Ava an over night, so she got to stay after dinner. It was show time...time to play with our dolls!

The American Girl Dolls are in right now! Lots of fun and lots of play time. Ava was really lots of fun and we even got my old Barbie dolls out and looked at all the clothes. I didn't get any pictures of the Barbie but I'm sure we will be playing with her again.

The kids didn't sleep on Saturday night and I think Mama Angie had reached her limit. I remember those days, so long ago. So on Monday, I went over to help her out, watch Otto so she could take a long shower and we had some time to chat. It's nice that she isn't working much right now and it's nice that Grandma is retired! So Jimmy and I kidnapped him and he spent the night with us.

Otto is so fun and able to sit and play now. He eats about anything in sight. He is laughing and trying to imitate sounds when you chatter with him. He is cutting his second top tooth and having a hard time. Poor little tyke. He's getting to be little camera ham.

Safe and sound in Grandpa Jimmy's arms the next morning. His mommy slept for 9 hours. Grandma and Grandpa didn't get that much sleep, but he's so good.

Ang had to work at her little part time job, so I went over to babysit about 8:30 AM. He loves this chair/toy. He can stand in it and jump, jump, jump! He loves to jump.

My Tasha friend Jane sent me these 3 bibs she made for Otto. They are so nice and so cute. I love the fabric she chose. She has two little grandsons, so she knows what's in now for the little guys. Thanks so much Jane!

Tomorrow we will have him again over night. These are just precious times. He's growing up so quickly. I just want to hug him and hug him and hug him.

An update on my friend Sharon. She is able to breath on her own for longer periods of time now. They are still doing tests to figure out if she has an infection around her heart. I will get more information tomorrow at bible charity sewing. She is still not out of the woods and still needs our prayers.


  1. Hello from Spain: beautiful pictures of your family. I really like American Girls dolls. I see lots of fun. The bibs are beautiful. Great gift. Keep in touch

  2. Oh Linda, I know how precious every second with our grandbabies is. So happy you can spend time with darling little Otto.

    The bibbies are adorable, too. Susan
