
Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22

Today we light the last candle of the Advent wreath...the PEACE candle. The wait is almost over and Christmas will soon be here.

Jim and I were able to go to church this morning. It was such a nice service and pastor gave a great sermon. He spoke of how we just take Christmas for granted as we know the story and have heard it so many times. He challenged us to really think about the birth of that tiny baby. I loved the reminder that the lowly shepherds were the first to know that the Messiah had arrived. He also went into a lot of detail about the heavenly host of angels coming down from heaven to announce the arrival of the Savior. A multitude of angles...that's a ton of angels! Can you imagine what that must have been like?

He talked about peace too. Christ made peace for us with God. Quite amazing.

So whatever your beliefs may be, I wish you PEACE this week as we approach the holiday.

It's been a busy but very nice Advent season this year. Enjoy the peace of the season.


  1. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Yes, Linda. The birth of the little Lord Jesus must have been really something. Wowee.

    I would love to have seen those gorgeous angels! And the sweet little baby Jesus.

    It has been a really wonderful season. Very beautiful and very busy but great.

    Blessings to all your family, dear Linda. Hugs, Susan

  3. Lovely... miss ya.. with love Janice
