
Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Fun Stop on the Way Home!

We said good bye to our family in Seattle yesterday and headed for home. We had a wonderful time in Seattle but it was nice to go back home. As Dorothy said in the WIZARD OF OZ...."There's no place like home". There's a wonderful antique mall in Centrailia WA that we always enjoy. There's a display window that I look for and I was delighted this time to find a Christmas dolly scene. Nothing is for sale and I'm not sure who is responsible for this great window.

Lots of little china heads  and other goodies to delight...eye candy for sure.

Christmas trees, toys, more dolls, Santas and other Christmas goodies.

Another little miss in her red dress all ready for Christmas along with toys and other wrappings.

I found another Mary Englebreit cup and saucer that I will be sharing later and a great book called

I'm afraid I was in great need of a DO NOTHING DAY today. Etsy orders are waiting for tomorrow and lots of wash from our trip. It was good to have a day of rest today. 


  1. Hello, hello! Sounds like you had a lovely trip. Wishing you blessings in the New Year :)

  2. We "took a day too" and went to Denver antiquing all day. It was great fun and I found lots to sell at ny store plus a few treasures for myself. I am in a self restricted holding pattern for English cups and saucers for myself. If I keep one - one needs to go. I found a vintage Sadler Christmas teapot and a small train in under the Christmas tree so I told my hubby it was "his"!

  3. Yes I agree.A sweet delightful display to make Us feel like little girls again. I'm glad You enjoyed Your Christmas,so did I,but none the less I'm always relieved when it's over.Not the home decorations though sometimes I feel I can leave those up all Year.I'm just glad I can leave the HIGH expectations behind.So nice hearing from You. Hugs ,Denise

  4. Hello from Spain: I agree with you. The best place is the house itself. Home sweet home. Nice pictures. Happy New Year. Keep in touch.

  5. I love dolls and I would have enjoyed to see that. Everything looks so pretty. Happy New Year, Linda!..Christine

  6. This is a wonderful display. I'd love to see it in person.

  7. Hello Linda...

    A day of rest always sounds good to me. That book you got sounds intriguing.

    I think you should have another day of rest tomorrow (me, too! Ha!) Susan
