
Monday, October 14, 2013

A Sunday Outing to Aurora

Every October, I wait for the quilt show in Aurora at the Aurora Colony Museum. This year was a special show called "Celebrating Our Golden Memories" as it was the 50th anniversary of the museum and the 150th anniversary of the colony's beginnings.

Another beautiful fall day in Oregon! It's always a nice country drive along 99E. Love to drive when you get off the freeway and out in the country.

The museum is the perfect setting for hanging all these beautiful vintage quilts. This year, all the quilts had a connection with the families of the colony. Usually, the show is open to anyone who wishes to exhibit their quilt or an old quilt that you might own.

Each quilt was numbered and the brochure told the history of each quilt. As is often the case, we will never know some of the quilt makers. That's why we encourage quilter's to put their name and date on their quilt when it is finished.

I have seen some of these quilts in the past. The one with the birds is a favorite of mine. The wool birds shapes were traced with a cookie cutter.

I liked the small prairie points on this log cabin quilt.

Jim is watching some of the volunteers doing hand quilting. We met an interesting lady who was visiting. She grew up in Saskatchewan Canada and was 94 years old. She is writing her life story and said she was only at her high school years, so she had to live a little longer to so she could finish.

She was telling Jim about her family and working on the farm when she was growing up.

I always enjoy the little doll beds upstairs. They added little doll quilts to them for the show.

Of course, I always love the dollhouse in the children's room.

Don't you think the boarder on this quilt is interesting? So nicely done.

This is the quilt that was made for the annual raffle quilt. It would be great to win this one! These are the winning blocks. Anyone can submit a block and they usually make 2-3 quilts from all the blocks turned in. They use all of them.

I liked this little block!

While we were there, I had to pop in and see my friend Karen, the owner of Time After Time. Her shop is lovely and I enjoy chatting with her.

I just cracked up when I read the names on the headstones outside her shoppe! If you're a Downton Abbey fan, you will appreciate  these. She told me her friends made these for her. We had to talk about
poor Matthew and how upset everyone is that he will no longer be on the show...sigh.

There's a new tea shoppe and little restaurant in town! On Sunday, they serve a little English Pot Roast dinner. Jimmy and the owner have this funny little thing going from last week. Jimmy went in to check it out while I was in another shoppe. He told the lovely English lady who owns the place that he was the Queen's boyfriend. Well, she is a riot and the two of them just were having so much fun. She said his name was Earl Grey from Aurora and she had called to Queen during the week to verify his story.She said it was true. Oh my, oh my, oh my! She kept saying he was a naughty boy with her English accent.

Her shop is named after a street in London called Pudding Lane. The really fun thing is that the little river that runs by Aurora and floods ofter, is called the Pudding River, so it all works together.

Th lovely owners who work very hard and do a great job!

When you order a dinner, you may have soup or dessert! Who can pass up all of this yummy assortment?

She asked him if he wanted a mug for his tea? My Jimmy? No way! He's an old tea drinker who knows how to enjoy a cuppa in a bone china teacup! It was fun.

We were on our way out of town when we spotted a new shop. Isn't it decorated for the season? I thought it was so cute, we had to stop and go in. It's owned by a young couple and it's only been open a few months.

Always a treat to visit one of our very favorite places! We are in for a whole week of dry weather! Yeah! How's the weather in your part of the world?


  1. great post as always..thanks for the friendship, my blog is in dutch but i managed to read and write inglish , on my header is my email adress and i can post you also if you wish....its always a blessing to now sisters in christ on internet...God brings his children in contact...loves soraya

  2. also my christian blog where i share Gods are welcome friend

  3. Hello from Spain: beautiful quilts. Lovely doll beds. I enjoy looking at the pictures of your trip. In my country it's raining. Keep in touch

  4. Beautiful quilts. I love the little doll beds too. That bike is too geat. Looks like you had a very blessed weekend.

  5. How fun to share your little journey and the tea room Please post this when I bring up Friends Sharing Tea in a couple hours! What a delightful visit to this weet town!

  6. Hi Linda...Looks like great fun. Don't you just absolutely love quilts? They are so stunning!

    The tea room looked fun, too.

    Great photos, Linda! Thanks for sharing. Susan

  7. One more interesting and entertaining post. I've said it before,You two sure have a lot of fun together.Paul and I also love going on Our outings.Your little gift was put in the mail yesterday :) Enjoy My friend-Denise

  8. I would really love to visit this next time I am in Oregon. I wonder if my cousins have been there?
