
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tea Time Thursday #23~Tasha Tudor Day August 2013

Tasha Tudor Day is a day that Tasha's fans remember her and celebrate her life. It is August 28th which was her birthday. When Jim and I decided to go to Montana for our vacation, I thought it would be fun to be with LaVonne on Tasha Tudor Day! It has always been my dream to spend the day with her in Montana on her farm. At first I had the date wrong, but we were able to readjust our trip dates.

The funny thing was that LaVonne had the date wrong when we were there! I guess we were just having way too much fun and she just was off a day.

Jim dropped me of at the Stucky farm and LaVonne helped him with the map so he could take off fishing.

After he left, she had to feed the chickens and milk her goats. I went outside with her to watch.

We went into the barn where she feeds the goats and then she told me I was going to milk her goat Tasha. This city girl was a bit surprised, but how could you refuse to milk Tasha the goat on Tasha Tudor day? I'm sorry I didn't have her take a picture of me with Tasha. She had several goats to milk before I got to try. At first I could get anything to happen, but then I got it. The goat was so patient with me.

This is Buddy the goat. He is such a sweetheart. I just fell in love with him. He just stares at you, lovingly. I never knew I would like goats....well, at least I like LaVonne's goats!

She let the sheep out....Big Sky country for sure. What an amazing sight...don't you love the sky and the clouds?

LaVonne went in to change and I just watched the animals. I don't know what happened to me, but I got VERY emotional and the tears just flowed. I think I was just thinking about my past and the rural life that my family once lived. It is all gone now and it just made me sad in a strange way. I felt so connected to the land and the animals. Serenity Farm is just the perfect name for her farm.

Can you see the mama chicken and her babies? I tried and tried to get close and I just couldn't do it. She was so protective. They were so cute.

LaVonne took me out on her front porch and she had planned a tea time lunch for us! It was just all so pretty and just more than I had dreamed. She had sweet blue linens and blue and white dishes. She set a place for Tasha too as she is the reason we ever met.It was so pretty and special.

Smile LaVonne.....

Tasha's place with a cup of fig tea...

Fresh blueberries from Oregon in a crystal glass filled with ginger ale. Delicious and refreshing.

Oh so yummy....Tasha's recipe for custard, made with goat's milk. Fresh fruit,smoked salmon or spinach sandwich, salad with smoked salmon and fig balsamic vinegar. Fresh scones with blood orange marmalade, cookies and chocolate.

I felt like I really wasn't in this world. It was just like a pleasant dream. We had just about finished, when it started to rain, just a gentle rain. Refreshing.

But then it just started to pour rain...bucket of rain and then the wind came up a bit. We took all the dishes inside and the tea party was over!

The rain lifted and I took this picture from her driveway. I think it looks like a photo. Just beautiful.

We spent the rest of the afternoon going over all our Annabelle things. We want to finish up all the accessories that go with the book....all through the alphabet. It was fun to see what we had and what we would need to make or get.

This is the little quilt (as is in the book) with the bedding that I had made for Annabelle of Montana. It was fun to see it again as I had forgotten how I had made everything. I guess I was impressed with what I had created.

We went through all of Annabelle's home and dusted and rearranged everything. It was so fun and the day just slipped away. Do you see what this Montana gal has strapped on her leg? She has quite the gun collection!

When Jim returned from a great day of fly fishing, Chris played his Native American flute for us. It was just beautiful and we were honored that he wanted to play it for us. The perfect ending to a perfect day.

Thank you my friend for all you did to make Tasha Tudor Day so very special. I will never forget the day with you in Montana. It was wonderful in every way.


  1. The more I read and see of Montana the more I feel I absolutely MUST visit one day. It looks like the most beautiful place!!

    Jem xXx

  2. Everything looks so wonderful, sweet Linda! The food had my mouth watering and those animals are too precious. Buddy definitely looks like a sweetheart :) Thanks for sharing with us, friend!

    Love and hugs!

  3. Sounds absolutely lovely! I think that goat was trying to decide which part of you to take a chomp out of first. (I have experience with goats). lol My cousin moved to Montana some years ago. I don't think we could drag her back to Wisconsin.

  4. Oh Linda, what a great post. Loved it. You had SUCH fun in Montana. Your friend really did a great job.

    Thanks so much for sharing. Susan

  5. Wow - I feel like I've actually been somewhere reading this and the best part was the gun strapped to the dolls leg! I've never been to Montana but this is just as I imagined it to be!

  6. Come on out, ladies! Buddy doesn't want to chomp, he just wants love! He's a love-sponge!
    It feels like it was only a dream. SO MUCH FUN in less than a week!
