
Friday, July 26, 2013

We Got to Meet Little Otto Today!

I had this little stork cup and saucer set aside to greet little Otto when he arrived! He was born yesterday, July 25th at 10:45 after many hours of labor for his mama. I love this little teacup but I already love my little grandson more!

On Wednesday, our daughters wanted the four of us to go to lunch before Angie and Chris' little one arrived. Gina came down from Seattle to help her sister. What a fun afternoon we had together, just chatting and catching up on things.

Jimmy and his girls...happy times.


I didn't sleep too well on Wednesday night as Angie was to be induced on Thursday. Well, I got a text early on Thursday that she had gone into labor on her own and was off to the hospital. Here she is all checked in and reading her paper work. Little did we know the hours of labor ahead! She had asked us not to be at the hospital, so Gina was our informations person. She ended up helping Chris get Angie through a difficult and long labor. What a team! I am so proud of the three of them and all the effort to get little Otto out into the world. Good Job!!!!

Here's the proud daddy shortly after Otto arrived at 10:45 pm weighing in at 8lbs 11 oz and 20.5 inches long. A big boy!

Right out of the hopper!

We were not able to see everyone last night as he came too late! We couldn't wait to meet him today!!!!
Jimmy and I have waited a very long time to become grandparents. Angie never thought she would be able to have children, so this little babe is very special...a blessing and a miracle.

Here I am, Grandma Linda, holding this Prince Otto for the first time. I love this picture as it captures a moment in time that I will never forget. Nice to have my baby standing next to me too.

The proud parents, pretty tired out. Chris was so sweet to have a little brunch with champagne for us all. I like to call him the party man! Life is always fun with Chris and he makes things so special for us all. Thanks Chris! We sure like having you in the family now. You make cute babies too.

And we cannot forget proud Grandpa Jimmy! Otto looks so tiny in his arms. The grandpa got a bit emotional. My Jimmy....

Auntie Gina looks pretty proud of this little tyke! I think they bonded hours ago. Cute picture. Of course we wish Eric was here to join the fun. I think he's going to try to come down soon. Thanks again for sharing Gina with us. We know you miss her.

Another grand baby for Grandma Kathy! She's a natural and has had lots of experience with Ms Ava. Ava will meet her new brother tomorrow afternoon.

I know this is a lot of pictures for  non family, but as you can imagine, we are so thrilled and thankful for a healthy baby and that Angie is OK. Thank you for all the prayers and support. A special thank you for those how held my hand via text messages all day yesterday! So many of you helped me through Angie's pregnancy when we were so worried she wouldn't carry this little angel.
It's been a long nine months, but our family has been blessed. God is good!


  1. Congratulations on your beautiful grandson!! How exciting! And I love the stork saucer. Very special indeed.


  2. So happy for you. I know what a blessing a little guy is after having girls. :)

  3. Ancora auguri!E' tutto bello emozionate!Godetevi questa bella gioia!Baci,Rosetta

  4. Congratulations! So happy that all went well.

  5. So happy for you all!!! I have alittle something for the baby getting mailed to you to pass on to the new parents:-) Blessings on the new bundle!!!

  6. I'm thrilled with your (and your family's) happiness at the birth of this precious boy. So much fun lies ahead for you all. Love and blessings to you-Angie

  7. Linda,
    I have been out of town, but was anxious to check your blog! I am so very happy for you!!
    Your baby grandson is BEAUTIFUL!! He looks so strong and healthy! You look beautiful too!

  8. I'm so happy for your family!! My sister (Angie lol ) and I just enjoyed looking at all the sweet pictures of little Otto!
    He's surrounded by LOVE! And you guys are going to be in Heaven watching him grow!
    Congrats Linda Lou!
    Erica :)

  9. Such a happy time for your sweet family! I love the precious photos - a new life is so worth celebrating - congratulations! xo

  10. Oh YES, Linda. Your sweet family has definitely been blessed by the Lord with the arrival of that little angel.

    What a darling baby boy! Your new grandson is gorgeous.

    Sooooo glad your daughter is doing okay, too, and that all the pain is over.

    Your photos brought tears to my eyes!

    Warm congratulations to all! Susan

  11. Oh so wonderful! I'm happy to see all the photos. Thank You for posting them.I enjoyed reading the last few posts. Enjoy the sweet angel Otto.
