
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Is Your Heart Good?

I like to pick a theme each New Year's Eve to focus on for the New Year. 2011 was a year of JOY for me and it was a word filled with many blessings.
As I was searching and waiting for my word for 2012, my husband and I had a conversation about a family gathering and some of the people there who really had a "good heart" and were trying to do the right thing. We were talking about it and I thought it might be good to focus on the phrase-Is Your Heart Good? I can watch for, honor and keep my heart GOOD this year. I think part of keeping your heart good is keeping a good attitude.
So there it is....Happy New Year to you all and remember to keep your heart good as you go into this brand new and hopeful New Year!
Much love and may God bless you!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Teacup Thursday # 39 Auld Lang Syne

The clock is ticking on and it will soon be New Years! I found this plate at an estate sale last fall and bought it with the good intention of selling it....well....I just had to keep it and have been waiting to post it with today's Teacup Thursday hosted by Miss Spenser.

A few years ago, our dear friends Ed and Yoka who live in Powell River BC Canada, gave us this
wonderful cup and saucer. It's one of my favorites and I just love it. It has the quote from Auld Lang Syne on one side and Best Wishes for Xmas on the other side.

The cup is made by Adderley and is English. I love the green handle, holly and mistletoe that has that raised paint touches that were added by hand.

Have you ever wondered what the words Auld Lang Syne acutally mean? I looked it up and it means
"Times Gone By" and it's Scottish from the 1700's. So now you know what you're singing when you sing Auld Lang Syne on New Year's Eve.

So here's to a great New Year! I like even years, so I'm ready for 2012. Wishing you the best and God's many blessings.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Cards!

Jim and I like to save all our Christmas cards and mail until we have time to open them all together, so this morning was the day. How fun to have coffee in the tea room and just savor the cards and letters from our family and so many friends that we only hear from once a year. It was very sweet. The theme this years seemed to be aging parents and grandchildren. Life goes on.....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

December 25th

For unto us a Child was born! Merry Christmas to all my dear friends and family. I am praying for you all. May you be showered with God's many blessings and good times today and through out the remainder of this Christmas season.  Peace~Love~Joy!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 24th~Christmas Eve!

There's only one more sleep 'til Christmas as sung in the Muppet's Christmas Carol movie....dearly loved by our family!  Hope you are ready to celebrate Christmas with your family and friends. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Teacup Thursday # 38 and Angie's Party!

As the end of the year approaches, it's time for another Christmas teacup for Miss Spenser's Teacup Thursday! This is such a pretty cup that we picked up at an estate sale. I love the gentle colors and the holly pattern.

It is marked Silesia-Clarion-Old Ivory XXII. Silesia is now a part of Poland. I really don't know the age of this cup and saucer.

Be sure and visit Miss Spenser's Teacup Thursday blog. Thank you for hosting our weekly adventure Donna and Spenser.

Angie's mid century cocktail/Christmas party was great fun! Her home was all decorated and really cute. She had lots of fun 1950's and 1960's food to nibble on. Had a great time seeing my sisters, my niece Amanda and all my friends plus Angie's friend's who came decked out in their vintage mid century holdiay dresses.

Old friends.....

New friends.....

And family!

Thanks Angie for the invite-I had a great time! Thanks Gina for helping your sister put on a fabulous pary. You two are awesome.

December 22nd

Jim and I went to visit Bev and Roy today. Roy did some restoration on a painting for Jim and I finally gave Bev the quilt I made for her in the summer! She wasn't feeling very well as she has had pneumonia
We took them an Oregon land grant as a Christmas present and had a nice visit. Bev had this doll wrapped up for me...a beautiful china head. Oh, how I love china heads. She made the dress for this dolly years ago. We had such a nice visit and she loved the quilt.
I think I'm going to christen her.....Miss Martha Elizabeth. Martha was one of the most popular girl's names during the Civil War and it was one of Mary Todd Lincoln's sister's name. Bev said she is a child and it was acceptable for her petty coat to show under her dress. Her china boots are fantastic.
Of course I wanted to cry given such a amazing gift, but she told me...."Don't you cry now!", so I tried very hard to keep the tears back. She has graced me with so many dollies. I have never had anyone give me such wonderful gifts....I feel so blessed and happy.
Thank you dear Bev. I will cherish Miss Martha Elizabeth forever.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pictures from the Cookie Event

The first annual Wuitschick cookie event last Sunday was so much fun! Debbie's family made my mom's sugar cookie dough for us all...tons of it! We all brought our favorite cookie cutters and the fun began for four generations.  Alisa has custody of the cookie cutters we used when we were little and she brought them. Here we are looking over them and telling funny stories.

Everyone got into the fun! Rolling dough, cutting out, baking and frosting!

     Papa came for the fun too, walker and all. He's responsible for this big gang!


This was Jimmy's first time with a rolling pin!

All the cousins and we having a great time with plenty of laughs.

Lots of activity...lots of family...lots of fun!

Don brought Auntie Deb a great Beavers apron!

So a big thank out to Debbie, Bill, Jenny and Amanda for setting this up for us all. Thank you too for feeding the troops.  Can we do it again next year?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 18th

Cookie exchange and baking with the cousins and family at the Cestink house today at 1 PM! Should be fun. I hope to have some pictures to post this evening.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

December 17th

Our recent visit with the happily engaged couple-Eric and Gina- in Seattle. The city suits them well and they are so happy. Thanks for dinner you guys! We had a great time. Miss you lots.